Sunday, 11 July 2010

Nox Rox

The soft, silky voice of Noxluna Eclipse guided us thro a pleasing mix of upbeat tunes last night at my rezzday party at InWorldz.

We had to move the party to another venue, the gremlins were playing up at Alchemy Labs, but there were 30 people there on and off, and A Good Time was had by all......... hugs to those who tried and were beaten by stuff.....

Thanks to everyone for their warm wishes.

Thanks to Nox, and Happy Rezzday to her today, yes, we entered Inworldz one day apart...



  1. Sorry I wasn't able to attend dear...
    Always a great thing to see people come to any world and stay... **hugs**

  2. yes, a Third Life is great fun.

