Sunday, 12 June 2011


A recent post by Lalo had me rummaging in my files for this photo which I make no apology for publishing again... seems like someone said there are too many humans in SL...

Well, rather than repeat the 1000 avatar project I just pulled out some old snaps while searching for the one above which is of Betty and I...

Now...some of them I don't even know the names of...but there's a fair Biodiversity in my past 4 years...

Some humans, yes, 'but not as we know it'....and I know I have missed out some gems, and some beautiful humans, but I don't have photos of everyone I met... so, if you aren't here....sorry...

I distinctly remember a hippo joining in on a building class I was in, Glyph as squid, Madcow, Jedda, well ... the list could get long...

...and a few nostalgic bits too...



  1. That grey stripey cat looks familiar... ;)

    ...and so do some others. Thanks for (re)posting these!

  2. Yep, the feline you is quite recognisable.

  3. aww i know i am human-looking... but you only have to listen to me for 2 minutes to know how deceptive that is :D

  4. Nothing wrong with humans ....... some of my best friends are human.

  5. I like the elf avatars. One of my best SL friends is a micro fox. He's so cute! LOL.

    Great pics, soror!

