Monday, 9 August 2010

Two in a row... more trivia...

Like buses come two at a time when you have been waiting for them, then this rambling comes along two days running in like form...

I just had more stuff...

Me with new makeup at Wizzy's new workshop in InWorldz...well...with free uploads I can change makeup everyday..... not enough to warrant blogging, I'll admit....

I don't know anything about this, except that Wizzy sat on it. Whatever it is it is probably against ToS..... as everything is, actually.

The scruffy git who looks like he just stepped out of a bad edition of a 70's comic has gotta be a real laugh to wear that stuff. What a great outfit... THAT shows imagination and inspiration, I must say.

Victoriana has just taken 9 sims in Inworldz... get your glad rags out... and feed the horse.

Bumped into Artfox Daviau in Inworldz, this is one of his 11 sims in SL. A landscaper too. Nuff said.

So, an amusing few hours spent....

...also...Brinda has been bewitched by Born Again Pagans...and why not... the girl has great taste...(heheheheh)...

...and Lalo has had 5000 hits on his blog...Yay!!

so...all good



  1. yes, there's a new Wizzy's Workshop in inWorldz. i'm not leaving SL, just spreading myself out in the Metaverse (or the Hypergrid as some are now calling it.) Equilibrium/123/134/619

  2. OOH - looks like Wizzy has moved her appearance over :-)

    Still working on mine.

    Nur Kitteh

