I put some of my flowers on shelves to show a sort of development from my early ones through to my most recent and, on a separate plinth my first and latest creations.

This is the orchid that won a prize at UWA last month for the best unscripted build.....

...and I put up some shelves to show my low prim trees, here from my first through to my most recent, all 3 prims or under....and...surprisingly popular as bonsai..:))

This is the Bubble Tree, it's my 94th Ancient One and on show on the same platform as my 4th. This one is quite a prim-eater tho... nice at midnight however....

Nur and Lalo admiring the view...

...and Oberon looking mystical....

Marko, such a great avi, came by and was very complimentary, as usual....

I was v happy to see betty...AKA little Bee, as we haven't hooked up for a while...

Heheheh.... looks like Typote and Scottius are bowled over by Mirja's beauty, but they said they were just tired....

Yooden ("it's not easy being green") Bing had come over earlier in the day which was great, again someone I had not seen in a while....
...but actually there were loads of people who came over and I didn't manage to photograph more than these few.
Snickers came at Lalo's suggestion and was kind enough to blog the event...here...
...and Lalo, who's thoughtful blog I always enjoy, was equally kind about my work...here.. better photos than mine too..:))
Anyway, it's all down to Juanita's generous hosting that the show will be around for a month or thereabouts, so do pop over if you have some time...
Two more blogs on the opening....
I like your baby trees
ReplyDeleteI need one for my house
hehhehe....OK. They have been v popular, and Scottius said they were exactly his size...