Tuesday 3 February 2009

Fake Pride

Now, its not very nice to be rejected, and especially cos someone doesn't like your name. Seems stupid when people called "prince" or "madonna" are household names, but thats what happened to Wizzy, Facebook didn't like the name Wizard Gynoid, and probably a lot of other names too.....

"Your account was disabled because the name it was registered under was fake. We do not allow users to register with fake names, to impersonate any person or entity, or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent themselves or their affiliations."

"Facebook is built around real world interactions. Operating under an alias detracts from the value of the system as a whole. Users who operate under fake names are also prone to abuse. We take this standard very seriously and take down fake accounts as we become aware of them."

Now, that would seem all fine and above board, except....... Facebook has become a data mining company.

All your information, friends and preferences are gonna be made available....

"Facebook's top brass have been at the World Economic Forum in Davos, punting another way to try to turn their enormous database of personal information and trivia profitable.

Like last year's disastrous "Beacon" advertising scheme, which aimed to turn members into Tupperware-style product endorsers, Facebook's latest wheeze isn't particularly innovative. Executives at the loss-making firm plan to charge brands for carrying out polls of their users.

The system will tap the well of personal information pumped into Facebook by members, allowing corporations to target members in specific age groups and locations, and with specific interests"

(quote from this article)

Now, it puts a slightly different light on the matter, but still brings up the question of legalising an alias, like Soror Nishi....

GRAVATAR... is making an attempt to register Globally Registered AVATARs, and is worthy of your support I

anyway.....its all crap....and Wizzy is set to become a VERY well known person cos of her geometrical thingy called the E8....and will forget this slight slight...:))......facebook......never met him...facebook who?

The issue of rights tho, to use an avatar as a legally recognised entity, are not going to go away......but...like other rights movements, may take years to get started I think. All the time that SL is seen as a game...something bored housewives 'play', its not gonna happen....only when more of the world wakes up to its potential and value will the voices of avatars be taken seriously.
Then, maybe, I can open a bank account and join Facebook (not that anyone will want to by then) and let Soror, and Wizzy get on with her life without undue hindrance.

Breaking news..........Wizzy has been given 4 sims, 90,000 prims for her geometrical innovations by Reaction Grid ...and my sweet sis has called one sim...Soror.....Thanks sis, thats a mega treat...:)))



  1. wel.....Wizzy has started a group...... Fake Pride...... join if you like...:)))

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

