Hmmm, sorry no snaps...:))
Well, the land grab was all very tacky.
You know I exaggerate in order to emphasise a point sometimes, well, this is one of them....:))
It felt like when you see in movies someone throwing a handful of coins to the peasants, and they all fight each other in the mud, and its all rather disgusting.....
Now, obviously, theres no mud, but, I got a plot, beat everyone to it, etc, etc...... and felt rather bad about it. After all, I have the beach, why was I grubbing for more?
Maybe someone didnt have anywhere to build..... and it was small...:)) ... so I gave it back.
and, then, Rezago Kokorin offered his plot to the Virtual Artists Alliance, and I was asked to participate....and that seems a much better attitude than land-grabbing... so I shall be putting up a new build with the VAA with 14 others....:))
Its at Burning Life (Babel) (204,63,24) but you have to be a member of Burning Life to get in before the opening... I will of course tell you all about when that will be... and the other details.... eventually.